This outfit would be perfect for a lunch date. It doesn't have too much pink or red, but it does have a floral print. And who does not love receiving flowers on Valentine's Day!? Spice up the casual dress with a belt and matching pumps. You can even wear wedges to give it more of the day time look. Keep the accessories simple and add a hint of red on your lips.
Shout out to all the working woman! Valentines Day falls on a Monday this year, so some of us might be stuck working. Show up to work with this outfit and a handsome coworker might just be tempted to break some rules. A red pencil skirt with a white dressy top, and black oxford heels are office appropriate.
We might not all have a "boo" in our life, but the majority of us have friends and family we can spend the day with. Why not go out for dinner and a movie with some of your favorite girls. This is a very chic outfit from head to toe! The blazer and the puffy skirt match perfectly, and the heart print leggings are adorable!
Moving on to the more romantic side, if you are going on a lil date with a "boo" or a "potential boo" this would be a cute outfit to go with. It is very girly and classy. The one shoulder makes it a sexy dress since you are revealing some neck area. The belt and the booties make the dress pop more with the correct fashion sense.
If you aren't going for the typical "one on one" Valentines date and plan to dance the night away, a pink mini dress is more for the club atmosphere. And the fact that it has lace adds to the occasion. Keep the black accessories simple with a small handbag. Lastly, the pink lips are a must!
Whatever you lovelies decide to do on February 14, I wish you all a Happy Valentines Day! Hugs and Kisses from me to you!
love !