Lynnette Joselly: Fashion Trend: Colorful Button-Ups

Fashion Trend: Colorful Button-Ups

Summer has ended and its now time to transition to the Fall Wardrobe. How many button up shirts do you have in your closet? Button-ups can be dressed up or dressed down since they come in so many different styles. They are either oversized and boho or slim and minimal. Button-ups are known to be the main clothing option for men, but women can definitely rock it better. The key is branch out to different colors to add life to your outfit this season. My favorite type of button-up is a sheer assortment. Also be sure to add in trendy accessories to make the look fresh and youthful.

orange lace back Pippa Lynne blouse

yellow Tea and Tulips blouse

red mens xl Polo shirt

Fashion Gurus In This Post: musicmon0108, stefaniekuncman, and WearAbouts

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for the feature!!! In the future though, please ask before taking pics from me!
