Lynnette Joselly: How to Organize Your Agenda

How to Organize Your Agenda

Whether you are going back to school or starting a new job, it's always great to be organized. I am a huge fan of writing everything down from deadline to meetings just to make sure everything gets done! Plus, I diagnosed myself with CRS (Can't Remember Sh*t). Furthermore, staying up-to-date with my planner allows me keep track of my assignments and helps me manage my time and be more effective. Since it's August and almost Fall semester for most of you, I have created a guide to help you stay organized with the use of your agenda!

Most schools promote organization and provide their own agenda for all students, but you can always choose to go the trendy route and get your own! Organizing does not have to be boring! One of the main things that help me out is color coding with highlighters. You can create your own key with different categories such as types of assignments to help you prioritize. To other people it might look like a colorful art piece but to you, this coding is your life partner to reach your goals and/or deadlines!

Plan ahead and jot down dates of upcoming events that you need to be at or deadline dates on your calendar. I remember in college I always use to write down all the testing dates for each class in the beginning of the school year when I first received my syllabus. I promise you, keeping in agenda will help you organize your busy schedule! I am a college graduate and still use calendars, sticky notes, agendas and all that good stuff where I write down my daily to-do-lists and check it off as it gets done.

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