I recently had a huge debate with a group of both men and women discussing why a woman's independence may intimidate a man. One of the main examples we kept referring to was Bill Clinton's cheating affair with Monica Lewinsky in the case that the President cheated on his well-established wife, Hilary Clinton. Was the First Lady too busy with her own work to pay attention to her man or is Clinton just a horny douche-bag? Keep reading.
The traditional man was raised to be the provider for the family while the woman is the primary care-taker of their home. When a woman makes her job her main priority, the fellas start to wonder who is going to cook the meals? Who is going to take care of the kids? Will she still be emotionally available for her man or too busy with work? And lastly, the question that may hurt their ego: Who is the breadwinner?

Now a days, there are a lot of independent women that have worked hard for their accomplishments. And it's safe to say that some women do not need a man, financially that is. However, for a woman to come off too strong may actually be a turn off for some men. Which explains why there are so many beautiful, successful and single women out there. Ladies let me tell you something, don't ever apologize for your success. But at the same time, if you do "want it all" and don't want to settle for less, you must be ready to juggle multiple jobs. I don't mean different 9 to 5s, but more referring to your job that provides you with income alongside your job as a wife/girlfriend, your job as a mother, your job as a chef and so forth.
To sum up, yes an independent woman may scare some men away. But as long as you give your man the attention he needs and hold down the household, you are a true boss and I applaud you for that! Plus, at the end of the day men are looking for both beauty and brains and good man will gladly and proudly support his woman with all her reasonable business endeavors. I might have opened a can of worms, but I am still interested in hearing your thoughts on this battle of the sexes, comment below.

What I Wore: White and Blue Floral Summer Dress (Desigual) and Suede Beige Sandals (Aldo Shoes).
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