Lynnette Joselly: The Guide : Trust.

The Guide : Trust.

One of the key factors to any relationship is trust. To begin with, trust is earned, not given. Trust goes much deeper then telling lies and cheating. "Without real trust, you cannot establish a healthy relationship." You have to be able to communicate with one another with just about anything.

Yes we all know temptation can be a b*tch at times. But it is up to us to control ourselves and see how strong we are as individuals. And in order to stay committed in a relationship, it takes two strong people to stand strong against their weaknesses.

Now some of us can be little spies at times because we do not believe our partners when they say they have been faithful and truthful. A healthy relationship is when you get to the point that there is no more snooping and the truth just naturally flows. As a woman, we all have that sixth sense that we know when something just isn't right. We just know what is true and what is not. Ladies, follow your instincts!

Trust can be very difficult for some of us. It can be almost impossible to let our guard down. Just use your sixth sense, and take chances with the right person. You will know when it feels right and safe to do so.

Quotes are from The Vixen Manual by Karrine Steffans Chapter 25: Trust

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