Lynnette Joselly: Introducing Fancy Clothing...

Introducing Fancy Clothing...

Fancy Clothing was created through the eyes of the current generation teens, living a Fancy lifestyle. The idea was to create an eye catching and powerful image portrayed by lavish and luxurious lifestyles being lived out in the world today. When someone is seen wearing Fancy Clothing, the words “that’s Fancy” should come to mind. Fancy Clothing is designer clothing for Men and Women internationally, based out of Miami, Florida.

Noah Becker hosted a fashion show at In The Studio w/ the 400 not to long ago and I was able to get two "Fancy" shirts! Be sure to come back and check out how I am going to rock these tees...def going to have you saying "oh you fancy, huh?"

1 comment:

  1. Fancy Clothing is designer clothing for Men and Women internationally, based out of Miami, Florida. Jumpers
